Sun Microsystems Opens the T2

Sun Microsystems is a great company anyway, they make outstanding hardware and deliver a rock solid operating system. Add to that all of the stuff they open source to the public and it just gets better. Now they have announced that their latest chip, the T2 or Niagra 2 has also been open sourced. This means that anyone can get the code, plans, schematics, etc. and make their own … for free. Think about that for a second. Let’s say you are a device maker, some mobile gadget, and you need a CPU to work with. Would you rather use something like the T2, which is unmatched in capabilities for free? Or pay a few million for an Itanium chip? Yeah, me too. I’ll take the Sun chip and run before they change their mind. They have opened other chips too, like the T1, and software like Java and Solaris. Good stuff as far as I am concerned.

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