Really cool tool for Windows

I don’t know about anyone else out there, but I am a big fan of tabbed interfaces. If you have used the Firefox web browser within the last few years or so, you no doubt have come to appreciate this as much as I have. If you haven’t seen this in any apps that you are using, you don’t know what you are missing. Even Microsoft jumped on the bandwagon when they released Internet Explorer 7 by adding tabbed browsing support, no doubt inspired by how popular that feature is with Firefox users.

To this, I have some good news! Even though many applications either don’t support tabbed interfaces, or don’t really fit having one, there is a new application that allows you to put any window you want in a tabbed window. It’s called WinTabber and it’s very cool. You can open up a bunch of notepad or putty windows and pop them right into the WinTabber interface. You can pop them back out too if you want. This application is functional, quick, responsive and best of all free. You have to love good free software. My only wish list item would be the ability to rearrange the tabs, that’s not available yet, but I am betting it will get added in the future.

*Update: I was wrong, although you cannot drag the tabs to rearrange them, there is an option to rearrange them from a tool bar button.  Well done!

All in all, this is a great app and I am glad to have found it. Now, go out and get to tabbing!

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