Windows 7 Update

I thought I would post some info and updates about my journey with Windows 7. Recently my primary/system hard drive in my Alienware box died. When I got the box it came with Vista and I hated it, it looked pretty but functioned awful, I had nothing but problems with it. After a while I couldn’t take it anymore and wiped that puppy slick and “upgraded” to Windows XP. Staring at a dead hard drive and a looming fresh install, I decided to give Windows 7 a shot. I had played with it some in a virtual machine and it seemed to do OK enough in the small amounts I had gotten to test it, so I figured what the heck I’d try it out for real.

I gotta say … and I never thought I’d be saying this … I am liking it so far. Don’t get me wrong, it has it’s quirks, and it still has that dreaded UAC stuff to deal with, plus older software that I can’t run anymore, but all in all it has been pretty stable and I am pleased. I hate to admit it, but I really do believe I have seen a performance improvement since installing it the Mothership. I am going to stick with it and see if I can get everything dialed in just like I like it, and I’ll make sure I keep you posted along the way and share any good tricks and tidbits I come across. Stay tuned! Thanks.