Hash Monster

Hash MonsterNeed to create a MD5 checksum on Windows?  Need to make sure that download is safe by checking the MD5 sum it came with?  Not real easy on Windows is it?  Well, now it is!

Here I have a neat little app that I put together for myself, and anyone else that wants it.  It’s called Hash Monster (no, no drugs involved), and it generates MD5 checksums (or hash’s) from entered text or from files.  You can even paste in the checksum to compare to, and Hash Monster will quickly and easilly tell you whether or not they match.  Sometimes it can be a strain determining if they match and now you can let the software do the work.

Hash Monster is complete free.  What does that mean?  Well, it’s free of charge, free of syware, free of viruses, etc.  I don’t put any bad stuff like ad code in my software.  You are free to use this on as many computers as you like, for business or personal use, I don’t care.  I just hope you get some good use out of it and enjoy using it.

If you have any questions or need anything, use the contact form or post a message in the forums and we’ll try to get you fixed up.

If you want to help me out, you can do one of two things (or both even if you are feeling especially generous!).  First, you can go to my notification page and let me know that you are using the software.  You can optionally supply an email address if you want to be notified of updates, but you don’t have to.  This just lets me know that someone is using the software, it helps keep me motivated to keep developing.  The second is that if you find the software useful and would like to show your appreciation by donating a dollar or two, that would really keep me motivated to keep developing.

The software is free, and you can read the entire license below:

License Agreement for Hash Monster, hereafter referred to as “product”.
Copyright © 2009, Solarum.com, All Rights Reserved

*Note: In this document, the term “License Agreement” represents the Terms and Conditions, as well as the Disclaimer of Warranty laid out below.

You should carefully read through the following License Agreement before using this software. Your use of this software indicates your acceptance of this License Agreement. If there is any part of this License Agreement that you do not fully understand and agree with, do not install, distribute or use this product.

Terms and Conditions
The software which accompanies this license is the Intellectual Property of Solarum.com and is protected by international copyright laws. Your rights and obligations with respect to the use of this Software are as follows:

(1) This license allows you to install and use this product on as many computers as you like.

(2) If you want permission to redistribute this product, please contact Solarum.com. You may send email to sales@solarum.com and explain the purpose of the distribution, the website it will be available from as well as any other distribution methods employed. Please include a contact name, email address and phone number for our records. You should receive approval or disapproval to distribute within two to four weeks of our receiving your request.

(3) You may not alter or modify this product, nor give anyone else permission to do so. Any attempts to modify, decompile, reverse engineer, disassemble, discover the source code or otherwise alter this product are expressly prohibited.

(4) You may not sell, rent, lease, bundle or create derivative works based on this product.

Disclaimer of Warranty
This product is distributed free of charge, and all software and accompanying files are supplied “AS IS”, without any warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. By installing and or using this software, you indicate your acceptance of this agreement. By accepting this license agreement, you agree that in no event shall Solarum.com or the software authors be held liable for any damages whatsoever including direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, loss of business profits or special damages from the use of this software. In other words, USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. We have done everything in our power to test, debug, and account for every possible problem that may occur, however, it is impossible to predict every environment that this application may be used. The user assumes the entire risk of using this product. This disclaimer of warranty constitutes an essential part of the agreement.

The above disclaimer of warranty is exclusive and overrides all other warranties, whether express or implied, including the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement.

Contact Information
Solarum.com – Information For Everyone

Sales: sales@solarum.com
Support: support@solarum.com
WebMaster: webmaster@solarum.com

One thought on “Hash Monster

  1. Pingback: Hash Monster - MD5 Checksum Tool | Solarum - Information For Everyone

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